Li Cheng Uk garden | Poster Colours, Charcoal | 116 kb

This is acutally an old painting that I never bothered to scan cuz of...the pinkish ground ><
I couldn't choose the colours properly...especially when using some pink.....><+
Next time i better mix the pink with some light grey...
All/most of the trees in hong kong are evergreen. The garden had evergreen plants

This garden is next to my former primary school, Li Cheng Uk, and a Han Tomb.
I used to like going in here cuz of the everything looks like. Its just like your being teleported back in time (I dunno which dynasty but I don't think that makes a difference...
There were goldfishes in a big pond....but now the water is so greenish that you can't even see the pond floor >< I wonder if they ever plan to clean it up....
I got bitten by mosquitos lotsa times while i was making a sketch of this .....¬_¬